About Crosville

This page offers links to various sources where further information about Crosville  can be obtained.  Whilst the main source is Crosville.org there are many other places where further knowledge of this interesting company can be obtained. 

History of Crosville

For a concise history - there is a Wikipedia site 

For a potted history in the form of a Timeline - see Crosville.org 

To read a fuller story about Crosville online - see the Local Transport History pages

For information about the Crosland-Taylor family who founded Crosville - see Crosville.org 

To find out more about Books on Crosville - that contain history of the company

Crosville Vehicles and Fleet Lists

For an online full historic fleetlist - see Crosville.org 

An other fleetlist- has been produced by the Local Transport History in sections - the links to these are found after the History

To learn about the various fleet numbering systems used by Crosville  - see Crosville.org 

For an online fleetlist of Ancillary / Service vehicles - see Crosville.org 

For an online Crosville Wales fleetlist - see Crosville.org 

Crosville Depots

For details about the depots and out-stations used by Crosville - see Crosville.org 

Crosville Routes and Services

To learn about the route numbering systems used by Crosville  - see Crosville.org 

For a list of the routes between 1959 - 1986  - see Crosville.org 

For a list of the routes prior to 1959  - see Crosville.org 

To view historic timetables between 1920 and 1959   - see Crosville.org 

Books about Crosville

To find out more about Books on Crosville

Crosville Photographs

To see over 30,000 Crosville photos online  - flickr 

To see specialist Crosville Group on flickr

Historic photos can be found - on the Omnibus Society website

More Historic photos can be found - on the Old Bus Photos website

Crosville Model Buses

A full list of Crosville Model Buses - can be found on the Model Bus Zone

A further list of Crosville Model Buses - can be found on the Model Bus Zone

Crosville Wales

For a Potted History of Crosville Wales in timeline form - see Crosville.org

For a full online fleet list - see Crosville.org

For a full allocation list - see Crosville.org

For details of Crosville Wales depots - see Crosville.org

Other Crosville related interesting aspects

Crosville in Weston-super-Mare - resurrection of bus and coach operations under the Crosville banner in Weston-Super Mare between 2011 - 2018 - see Crosville.org

Crosville Headquarters in Chester - to learn about the Headquarters buildings and repair shops - see Crosville.org

Crosville and Loggerheads Country Park- to learn about Crosville's involvement with this park near Mold - see Crosville.org